Impact by Danielle Norman

Synopsis: They always say that two wrongs don’t make a right... They always say that two wrongs don’t make a right... Well, she was wrong for breaking into a house that didn’t belong to her; even if she and her daughter had nowhere else to go. And, I was wrong for watching her on the... Continue Reading →

If you like this…

You’ve just read a book you loved, but now the dreaded book slump has set in. Never fear, we are here to help. I always love when people do a ‘If you like this, than read this’ type of thing. I read mostly YA but I do love the occasional adult book. So my options... Continue Reading →

Taming Him by Kennedy Fox Review

Title: Taming Him Series: Bishop Brothers Author: Kennedy Fox Genre: Contemporary Romance Trope: Vacation Romance Photographer: Wander Augular Model: Zac Aynsley Designer: RBA Designs Release Date: January 30, 2018 *Each Bishop Brothers novel is an interconnected standalone* Alex Bishop is your typical cowboy. Charming, sexy, and wears a panty-melting smirk. Working on the ranch helped... Continue Reading →

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